Tovarisch, I Am Not Dead.
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Tuesday 25 July 2006

There were countless victims of the Russian gulags, and indeed of the German concentration camps. Some estimates suggest that over 6 Million people died in the German camps during World War 2, while the Russian gulags and terror claimed, it is estimated, over 10 million lives and saw millions of people imprisoned in terrible conditions.

If you or your family were affected by these events and you feel able to share your experiences then please feel free to add a comment to this post.

We would also welcome your views and comments on the coverage that the film Tovarisch, I Am Not Dead will give to these events.

Those that lost their lives suffered a terrible fate while the survivors carry the scars of their imprisonment with them. Families have suffered from sorrow and loss - the trauma of these terrible events is still fresh in many people’s minds.

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